Project: Allergy Attention

Allery Attention home screen
View Project

Allergy Attention

API Web Project

Allergy Attention is intended to help users track their meals and see what types of foods are upsetting their stomachs in order to catch an allergy or intolerance. The user is able to enter a meal, list the ingredients, and rate the reaction of the meal. After building up data the user is able to seacrch through meals and ingredients to see what they have eaten in the past and notice any patterns. There are also data visualizations to help the user see any patterns.

It took me an entire summer before I realized I have a dairy intolerance, so I wanted to create an application that could help users see the patterns in a shorter amount of time.

This project utilizes React, MVC, and Mongo to have login and signup forms, and to keep track of the data the user inputs. I also implemented Chart.js in order to create the visualizations of the data the user added.