Blog: Audio Visualizer

Posted on April 9, 2020 at 11:44 p.m.

Using Processing we were tasked with creating an audio visualization app. I picked the song "Are You Gonna Be My Girl" by Jet to do the visualization with because of the wide range of frequency in the song.

Each circle is a separate band in the spectrum, and the circle's width is the frequency at the given point in the song. The color of the circle changes as the number of bands increase. The lines at the bottom represent the average frequency of the individual band in comparison to the entire spectrum.

In the very beginning, when the music is softer and the frequency is higher, the bluer circles are the ones growing. Once the beat comes in the pink circles (which represent the lower frequencies) grow large and stay that way through the majority of the rock song. I also really like how the lines at the bottom look almost like a city, and the circles look almost like a sky of sorts. I tried to make the piece minimilistic and aesthetically pleasing.

Overall I had a lot of fun doing this project, even though it was frustrating at times since I have never worked in Java Processing before. In the future I would love to add more visualizations to this piece that can further break down elements of the song.