Blog: Arduino Mircophone

Posted on April 2, 2020 at 5:39 p.m.

Project 2 for Physical Computing and Alternate Interfaces. For this project we used a speaker and a microphone to create an interactive audio expereince. I took inspiration from our lecture about the speaker playing tones. I wanted to play around with what the tones could create.

Breadboard overview

Adapting code from robsoncouto to play the Star Wars Cantina Band music and Wii Channel music, I created a work that measures how loudly the sound is through the microphone and plays the respective music.

A small noise, such as breathing on the microphone, plays the Wii music, whereas a louder sound such as a clap plays the Cantina Band music, shown below, respetively.

The main problem I ran into was measuring the volume of the noise through the microphone. I had to print out to the log in Arduino to see what the base level was and change the values for which music to play based off of it. In the future I would love to have more music choices with better detection for how loud the noise is, as well as an LED output of some sorts that aligns with the music.